Culturel Revolution

UnframedMay 11, 2016
Culturel Revolution

Here is the next generation of youth, girls and a desire to show femininity through the photographic lense, whether taking photos of boys or girls, it is all about documenting what youth is today and paying tribute to another generation.




Who inspires you?

A lot of people inspire me; artists, photographers like Avedon, Alex Webb, Graciela Iturbide but also people that are trying to make this world a better place like Michel Jaouen or Pierre Rabhi.

Who are your subjects?

I like to photographs people in general. I think that when you want to photograph someone it’s because you have a connection with that person, even if you don’t know what it is. So I photograph models, people I see in the street, refugees, prostitutes, transsexuals, whomever I meet and I have a connexion with! In this project I’m showing that it’s about teenagers, it’s kind of special and magical moment of life I think, fragile and intense. I did a series of photographs of teenagers in Paris from different backgrounds and styles. They are all beautiful and special.

Why is it important for you to shoot other girls?

I photograph men and woman but I think as a woman it is important we stick together, so much violence is directed towards us around the world, so many of us are still abused and are suffering from terrible treatment.



Who inspires you?

Teenagers, boys that listen to metal, rock’n’roll and my friends.

Favourite place to shoot?

I love shooting in New Zealand where I am from, especially in nature, as well as people in their personal spaces such as their bedrooms.

Why is it important to you as a girl to shoot other girls?

Because I don’t sexualize girls in photos, like a lot of people do. It’s nice to be able to take a beautiful photo of a girl, for the female gaze.

Who are your subjects usually when it comes to your personal work?

Most of the people in my images are close friends – people I have deep emotional ties and history with. I also shoot a lot of young metal head boys for an on-going personal project, as well as teenage girls. I like to shoot people while they are still untouched from the world.



Who are your subjects?

Friends, people that after the shoot become friends, people with light in their eyes.

Can you describe your aesthetic?

Natural, free, colourful, dreamy and nostalgic.

Why is it important for you to shoot other young people?

At the end it’s all about my surroundings and I, so I guess when I become older my subjects are going to become older with me too. Probably in five years I might just be taking photos of babies dressed in funny costumes, you never know!

Author: Tabitha Karp