Seda Şen, Influencer

PeopleApril 11, 2018
Seda Şen, Influencer
Seda Şen


It’s impossible not to be attracted by Seda! Our conversation flavored with the smell of coffee flows into long hours with her colorful characters. We didn’t forget to get a few tips for you!

How do you start the day?

By petting my dog Luna!

What’s your favorite Instagram account?

It’s been the same for a long time – @frecklesnur.

What are the three most important things you pay attention to in your combinations?

It has to have something unique to me, be comfortable and create harmony in different places.

A trend you wish to never see again?

The horrifying duo of tunic and tights.

The starting point of Seenpieces?

It’s a long story but if I were to tell it in a sentence, it’d be “I had to serve myself.”

The phrase you use the most?

“Dur ki!” (Wait a minute!)

What’s the song that recently keeps playing in your head?

I have to give you two –Destinations by Gesaffelstein and Çok Yorgunum by Tülay Günal.

Your morning coffee?

I’d say from Federal or Petro but recently I’m trying to make a decent cup of espresso at home. (laughs)

Something we haven’t asked but you wish to tell us?

Please, embrace and love the true selves of people before you love the image of them you create in your head. I’m very troubled by this matter.

Show us your selfie style!


Author: Based Istanbul